Though not remotely confirmed - so just take this with the proverbial bucket of salt for now until we’re told anything more conclusive - journalist and podcaster Nick Baker said on the Xbox Era podcast that Microsoft’s first-party shooter franchise may be getting the “Master Chief Collection-type treatment”. You can see/hear it for yourself in the video below: “A while back I said there is another Microsoft franchise that’s getting the Master Chief Collection-type treatment, I am of the belief that that is coming this year,” Baker said, as spotted by our friends at VGC, adding “everyone has guessed it” and prompting his co-hosts to say “Gears”. “If you go from November 2021 to November 2022 and you look at Microsoft’s big game output, it could wind up being Halo, Gears, Forza,” Baker added. If true, I suspect we’ll find out more next month at the Xbox Showcase. Watch this space, eh? Have you played Gears 5 yet? Wes gave it a Recommended badge when he reviewed it on release, stating: “Gears 5 has a great campaign I’m happy to root for. On the competitive multiplayer front, though, it’s a mixed bag. Gears 5 stalwarts Horde and Versus return like battleworn COGs from yet another fight against the relentless Locust menace, but annoyances mar the party. Escape mode offers something new, but it falls flat. And through it all runs a progression system that would feel bad in a free-to-play game, let alone a full-price game”.